London Platform Series

Somerset house Londres
du 14 au 17 Mai 2023

Somerset House,
London, WC2R1LA United Kingdoms

Interview de Philippe Calandre
par le Magazine d’architecture :


Philippe Calandre’s Chimeric Cityscapes

While Constructivism and Brutalism form the aesthetic backbone of Calandre’s work, it’s the ravaging effects of climate change and humanity pushed to its extremes that fuel his canvases. Through his eyes, we step into an autonomous metropolis built on floating platforms or visit urban sprawls wrecked by global warming. He explores the wastelands, abandoned and dystopian spaces with deft delicacy.

As conversations about London’s gentrification and homogenising neighbourhoods prop up dinner parties and think pieces across the city, GreyScape caught up with Calandre at Photo London Fair to hear his perspective.